Monday 17 January 2011

Vauxhall Society news blog

Hoorah! The Vauxhall Society has added to its website a news blog to which one can now add one's say - a welcome step towards greater debate and consultation from that esteemed body.

Now if only the KOV Forum would follow suit I could let Maureen Johnston MBE know that some of us think the proposed Kylun development at Vauxhall Cross is actually rather nice and immensely preferable to the existing roundabout wasteland - nothing says desolation quite like giant advertising hoardings (which, as an aside, I notice are the only only new development at the Sky Gardens site since the demolition works).

Anyway, hoorah for the Vauxhall Society.


  1. Hurrah indeed, but I hope that you haven't spoken too soon by suggesting that it will open up some topics to debate - I posted some comments to this article, and they are still 'awaiting approval'.

    Unfortunately for the article's author, Sainsbury's, the Lost Theatre, and the proposed Nine Elms Northern Line station are actually all in Lambeth; Sainsbury's are reasonably open about the proposed height of their towers (maximum 35 storeys), and plenty of residents in my neck of the woods are very supportive of the Northern Line extension.

    Aside from anything else, I'm actually quite surprised that the author is opposed to the Northern Line, do they really expect an extra 20,000 residents to use Vauxhall station to get to work?

  2. Oh, and I completely agree with you on the Island Site, I can't believe that KOV Forum are seriously claiming that it constitutes "green space". The Island is a derelict eyesore that blots the Vauxhall landscape; the sooner construction starts the better.


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