Friday 19 March 2010

Site cleared for Sky Gardens

Work has already begun on the Sky Gardens development, Here's the scene on Wyvil Road yesterday. They must have been quite confident about getting planning permission for their amended proposals earlier this week, or taking something of a gamble.

It looks from the plan as though the Renaissance Rooms will go too which is a bit of a shame. No more local roller disco.


  1. Wow - I noticed they started this Monday morning riding by but didn't quite connect it to the development. Confidence indeed.

  2. I think they already had permission for their original plan anyway, i'm quite glad to see something tangible happening.

    Agree that the roller disco is a loss, not that I've been but its always a good natured crowd going to and from there.

  3. Yes, I never went either but the roller-discoers gave me something to look at while waiting for a bus in the urban canyon of the Vauxhall bus station.


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