Friday 19 March 2010

Lambeth Planning Committee meeting to approve Octave Tower

The Octave Tower proposal goes before the planning committee at Lambeth Town Hall on Wednesday, 24 March.

The recommendation from officers is that planning permission be granted, subject to some changes.

Several different planning applications will be heard on the night and it all starts at 7pm. The application with the most people there generally goes first. If you object to the current Octave Tower scheme, then you need to be there to make this clear to the planning committee. You can either do this ‘from the terraces’, or, if you wish, address the planning committee directly. Or you can ask Cllrs Andrew Sawdon or Rob Banks to do so on your behalf.
Although I'm generally in favour of anything that helps drag the vicinity of Vauxhall bus station in an upwards direction I'm rather uneasy about this development. I'm particularly sad that the beautiful Victorian building (one of very few old buildings in the immediate area) is to be torn down at all but I guess it's too late to do anything about that.

Meeting details: Wednesday, 24th March, 2010 7.00 pm, Planning Applications Committee A
Venue: Room 8, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW

1 comment:

  1. I wish they could have cut a few stories from the design - 42 just seems a bit overwhelming - and still think 25 parking spaces for 400 flats is ludicrous and irresponsible. I should go to the meeting.


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