Sunday 31 January 2010

Various Vauxhall developments

Another public meeting has been arranged about the Vauxhall area planning framework by the Kennington Oval and Vauxhall Forum. It will take place on at 7pm Wednesday 10 February at St Peter’s Church, Kennington Lane, Vauxhall. The deadline for comments on the draft planning framework has been extended to 28 February – details are on the Mayor’s website. (Lifted from ASSA)

Viva Vauxhall has pictures of the revised proposal for Sky Gardens on the corner of Wyvil Road and the Wandsworth Road. I rather like it.

There's a petition you can sign to oppose the Octave Tower plans here.

It's all go.


  1. Anonymous11:22 pm

    your handy email update functionality doesn't seem to be working anymore.b

  2. Anonymous9:04 am

    actually the email does still work, just doesn't get sent until later.

  3. Emails are scheduled to go daily at about the same time (and only get sent if there is a new post). They aren't prompted by a new post per se. If you see what I mean.


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