Wednesday 16 October 2013

Vauxhall gyratory and buses: Lambeth council leader spells out aspirations

Labour in Oval has published this letter from Cllr Lib Peck on the future of Vauxhall gyratory and the bus interchange.

Let me start by reassuring you. We are not in secret negotiations with Transport for London to do away with the bus station. We have not settled on only two options for how to redo the gyratory and the public realm. And we want to retain the positives of the current scheme.

Our starting point for discussions has been the Supplementary Planning Document that sets out the vision for the area. The SPD is the result of extensive consultation which was very clear in stating that residents want Vauxhall Cross to be made safer for pedestrians and cyclists, to become a nicer place to shop and socialise, and that any changes must ensure that the interchange for passengers using the train, tube and buses is quick and easy.

The challenge now is how we achieve this.

To help us test some of the key criteria for any change we have asked TfL to work on two schemes to date to say if either are possible. There are infinite variations to either, but unless we start testing some of the specifics then our desire for improvement will always remain only a desire.

Your email raises particular concerns regarding buses. I want to reassure you we want to make bus routes shorter and journey times quicker. This will be possible if the gyratory is removed, and in fact could make it better for bus users than at present. We will not be returning to a situation where bus stops appear to be scattered throughout the area [editors' note: Why "appear to be"? Why not "are"?].

Over the next few months we will continue to explore with TfL the best way to achieve a lasting solution that improves the area and when we have some workable options we are very keen to open up the discussion for much greater public involvement.

I hope this reply helps to clarify the current situation to you.

With best wishes,

Councillor Lib Peck
Leader of Lambeth Council        

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