Monday 30 September 2013

Vauxhall Cross - buses to be scattered to the winds?

Pauline Gaunt and Helen Irwin write on the Vauxhall Spring website:

We have now seen the two options for Vauxhall which Lambeth have asked TFL to model, and we will have a choice between – NO BUS STATION    OR    NO BUS STATION

Option 1

  • Demolition of the bus station .
  • Replacement of gyratory system by two-way traffic.
  • Widening of railway bridge to accommodate 8-lane highway, at an additional cost of £50 million (source of funding undecided), and compulsory purchase of some businesses in arches.
  • Establishment of ‘High Street’ within traffic system.
  • Dispersal of bus stops to two locations, under the new railway arch and proximate to St George Wharf: all stops roadside, adjacent to circulating traffic, rather than in the sanctuary of a bus station.

 Option 2

  • Demolition of the bus station
  • Replacement of gyratory system by two-way traffic.
  • No widening of Railway bridge.
  • Establishment of ‘High Street’ within traffic system.
  • Dispersal of bus stops as above, but to four locations between St George Wharf and South Lambeth Rd.

If these are the only options under consideration, this is quite astonishing news. Those of us who have been around long enough to remember life pre-bus interchange will remember the utter misery of transfers at Vauxhall Cross.

As the authors point out,  Cllrs Campbell, Harrison and Morgan said in May: ‘Lambeth absolutely does not want to scatter bus stops around the Vauxhall Gyratory system'

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