Friday 18 February 2011

Vauxhall gyratory system status

I dropped into the Tate South Lambeth library on Wednesday to take a look at Lambeth's public exhibition about its transport strategy which - as they don't have any say in tubes or buses which is all TFL responsibility- pretty much boils down to encouraging people to get on their bikes and use car clubs in preference to driving their own cars.

But it was an opportunity to ask about where Lambeth stands on turning Vauxhall back from a big roundabout into something more civilised.

Dawn Rahman, Lambeth's Transport Policy Manager, told me that gyratory systems are now rather frowned upon by urban transport planners.

Transport Planning & Strategy Consultation Officer Patricia Witter offered to get back to me with the current status on Vauxhall and true to her word emailed me to say:
Transport for London is still investigating various options for improving the Vauxhall Cross gyratory. This includes an option to improve the public realm by simplifying the junction (reducing the number of traffic lanes) and providing new crossings, as well as the possibility of removing the gyratory altogether.
It is still early days in the scheme development and a decision on which option to take forward has not yet been made. Any decision would involve consultation with Lambeth and the funds for the works would have to come from pooled developer (S106) monies. The ball park figure for completely removing the gyratory is £22 million.
I will update you on any further developments as they arise.


  1. TfL has been conducting an urban environment improvement study of Vauxhall over the past year; this was due to be published by the end of January, but no sign of it yet.

    However John McNulty (Head of TfL Interchange) did a presentation to Vauxhall BID in November ( outlined the options being considered by TfL. Interestingly, Slide 12 states that removal of the gyratory is "unlikely" - I have no idea if this position has changed in the past month or two.

  2. Hi Mark. Thanks for the link to

    Amazing how well hidden all this kind of stuff is!


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