Wednesday 19 January 2011

Vauxhall bus shelter fixed (file under "Yes, we KNOW that")

Regular correspondent Peter P sent me this picture to commemorate the repair of the Vauxhall bus station, part of which had been boarded off for months (or possibly years)?

This work was actually completed a while back but I didn't report it which was remiss of me.

And one should seize any opportunity (no matter how late) to publish good news to help balance out all the miserable pieces about waste "strategies".

Another regular correspondent to this blog David R told me that when he complained to TFL about the lack of action in repairing the bus station he was told that it was due to a dispute with the insurers over who should pay.

Anyway, let's be happy that it all got sorted out one way or another and that our shiny, landmark bus shelter isn't broken any more. Hoorah.

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