Wednesday 1 December 2010

Wheatsheaf licence hearing: 21 December at 7pm

I have received information from Lambeth Council about the hearing to discuss the Wheatsheaf late licence application.

The Licensing Sub-Committee will consider the Wheatsheaf's licence application at a hearing that will take place on 21st December at 7pm at Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill SW2.

The meeting is open to the public and anybody making a written representation is invited to attend.

Our petition (any any other representations made) will form part of the report that will be considered by the Committee (I am waiting to hear back as to whether each signatory on the petition can be considered to be a representation in its own right).

The report will be available of the Council’s website a few days before the hearing. A printed copy may be obtained from Democratic Services (see section 13 of the guidance notes) or can be viewed at the Tate South Lambeth library.

Anyone who has made a representation must give written notice to the Licensing office no later than five working days before the date of the hearing stating whether they:
  • intend to attend and/or be represented at the hearing;
  • wish any other person to appear at the hearing. In such cases written notice must state the name(s) of the person(s) and a brief description of the point or points on which that person may be able to assist the Committee in relation to the application, representations or notice that one has given.
This information should be sent to Environmental Health, Licensing Section, 2 Herne Hill Road, London SE24 0AU (see section 13 of the guidance notes).

The letter adds: "In considering any representations or notice made by a party the licensing authority may take into account documentary or other information produced by a party in support of their application, representations or notice (as applicable) either before the hearing or, with the consent of all the other parties, at the hearing."

If you have any questions, the person to speak with is Sarah Williams, Licensing Officer at

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