Sunday 12 September 2010

Vauxhall Expo 2010

Dropped into the "Vauxhall Expo" on Saturday for an hour - sadly too early to meet up for my path to cross with those of usual blogspects OBB and SE11 Lurker.

Never mind. It was an odd event. Here are some highlights:

Was delighted to talk to the Cinema Museum who had a stand there and were asking where the Charlie Chaplin sculpture should go (my response: somewhere modern).

Found out about a plan to convert the disused Victorian public toilets at Kennington Cross into an arts centre (of sorts). It was featured on TV.

I was once again amazed at how many different local societies there are - Friends of Kennington Cross (or FOKX) was new to me.

Was quite bemused by the least convincing display of wrestling I've ever seen (although obviously I didn't say that to their faces, just in case).


Apparently we are to have a new "landmark" entrance to Vauxhall (formerly Spring) Gardens. "The new entrance aims to celebrate the spirit of the Pleasure gardens through the introduction of two monumental 18 metre tall columns framing views into and out of the par and providing an enhanced local gateway" It should also make it interesting the next time a bus crashes there.

The best bit of the day was the 3D model of the Battersea-Nine Elms-Vauxhall area and the proposed development along it.

Here's a video of a rather natty fly-past animation on display:

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