Wednesday 25 November 2009

South Lambeth Road Conservation Area

I didn't even know there was one, but there is. There's a map here.

Anyway a "draft Conservation Area Statement" has been prepared by the London Borough of
Lambeth to assist with the management of the Conservation Area:
It identifies the features that give the area its special character and appearance, provides best-practice advice and contains management proposals. The council is circulating this draft document so that local residents and any other interested parties can comment on its content.
Sadly the deadline for comment was 23 November and I only found out about it because there was a leaflet about it in the library.

Nonetheless if you're interested in architecture and local history I really recommend you look at it. It has lots of pictures and is marvellously detailed about the different styles of building (Italianate, Venetian Gothic and so on) and it has a very useful glossary.

I shall make a point of stopping every time I pass that mysteriously long-empty shop (pictured) to admire its brattish work.


  1. This is really interesting - I'll have a look (currently, the link to the map is broken).

    The idea of a conservation area on South Lambeth Road evokes thoughts of horses and barn doors, however...

  2. ...and another thing - I've just noticed that about 20% of the conservation area is occupied by the bus garage. That's worth conserving?!? Yet some beautiful spots like Landsdowne Gardens are not?!? Maybe that's in a different conservation area.


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