Friday 20 September 2013

Lambeth's draft alcohol licensing policy & the South Lambeth Road

Lambeth Council is updating the borough's alcohol and public entertainment Licensing Policy and would like your feedback on its FORTY-TWO PAGE DRAFT.

Once you've read the FORTY-TWO PAGE DRAFT you can give your feedback via an online survey.

I'll be honest, I've not had time to read the FORTY-TWO PAGE DRAFT but a quick shufty suggests that for the purposes of licensing, South Lambeth Road is classed as a "local centre / Shopping parade" - one up from a residential area, and with relatively restricted licensing hours.

According to the draft:
1.7 We [Lambeth] have experienced an increase in both the number of licensed premises and the hours they operate since the implementation of the Licensing Act 2003. Nationally we are 7th worst for alcohol related crime, 8th worst for alcohol related sexual offences and 12th worst for alcohol related violent crime. We know from our residents that noise nuisance in a densely populated borough is a problem, especially later at night.
1.8 We now wish to adopt a model that will define closing times for variations and new premises licence applications. These times vary according to the nature and location of the premises concerned.

From my cursory examination this looks very positive and should help avoid a repeat of the Tia Maria saga

Restrictions for South Lambeth Road would be:

Restaurants and  cafes
Friday- Saturday: 00:00
Sunday - Thursday 23:00
Public houses, wine bars or other drinking establishments
Friday- Saturday 00:00
SundayThursday 23:00
Hotel bars
No restriction for residents
Night-clubs/High Volume Vertical drinking
Not considered appropriate
23:00 daily
Other entertainment venues
00:00 daily 
Qualifying clubs (no idea)
00:00 daily 

If someone has time to read the  the FORTY-TWO PAGE DRAFT and fill in the gaps, do email me at

To find out if your area is a town centre, district town centre, local centre or residential see this document.

You can give your opinion here.

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