Friday 27 September 2013

Know someone who has mysteriously acquired a bamboo?

A different but identical bamboo. Ignore the pot.
I planted a Fargesia bamboo identical to the one pictured in the planter on the corner of Tradescant Road and South Lambeth Road (by the Three Lions) last Friday (20th September 2013). By Tuesday afternoon  it had been stolen.

I reported the theft to the police who sent someone round to "manage my expectations" which - although very low - were cruelly dashed.

Which means the only route left open is vigilantism.

So if you know of someone who unaccountably acquired a bamboo early this week, please email

Or for full anonymity you can call crimetoppers on 0800 555 111 and quote ref: CAD 8314 24/Sep/13.


The scene of the crime.

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