Friday 30 August 2013

Planning II: Lambeth would you like a bit less of your co-operation, please

On 6 August 2013 the Planning Applications Committee agreed to amend its procedures for allowing speakers at the committee meeting. The most significant change is that each members of the public will only have two minutes (down from three) to voice their objections (the same limitation will apply to supporters and ward members). Read the report here.

Apparently these changes were prompted by concerns regarding the length of time taken to determine applications for major schemes, and the costs involved in processing planning applications. "There will be future initiatives to improve and streamline the planning procedures reported to PAC over the coming months," the report adds ominously.

The speaking time at planning meetings for Objectors, Supporters and Ward members has been reduced from three minutes to two minutes and to avoid non-material objects there is a requirement that all speakers indicate what points they wish to raise in advance of the meeting.

These must be concentrated on material planning considerations relevant to the application such as:

  • Local Plans
  • Previous decisions (including appeals)
  • Loss of sunlight
  • Overlooking/loss of privacy
  • Highway issues
  • Noise, disturbance, smells and fumes
  • Capacity of physical infrastructure
  • Loss or effect on trees
  • Landscaping

Matters that are not material apparently include:

  • Building Regulations
  • Neighbour disputes
  • Problems from construction works
  • Applicant's personal circumstances
  • Business competition
  • Loss of property value
  • Loss of private view

If members of the public (objectors, supporters, applicants and agents) wish to speak on an application they must contact Democratic Services by email or telephone by 12 noon on the working day before the meeting. In doing so they must also outline to Democratic Services the points they wish to raise at the  meeting (preferably in writing).Up to three objectors, three supporters (including applicants/agents) and three Ward Members can address the meeting for a maximum of two minutes each. 

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