Monday 24 January 2011

Easy on a Mesolithic Sunday morning

Anyone who was anyone (well, me and the SE11 Lurker, anyway) was down on the Vauxhall foreshore at the weekend to see for themselves the recently discovered 6,000 year old remains of some Mesolithic structure or other made visible by the low spring tides.

It was an opportunity to stroll around, get muddy boots and join in the general chorus of "Is that it?" from the assembled crowd before retiring to The Rose to see whether they have joined the 21st century and added a vegetarian option to their Sunday Roast menu (they haven't, so it's back to the Oval Lounge for me).

I took the opportunity to take few pictures of other things too, there being only so many ways of photographing a one-foot post poking out of the water before they get a bit samey.

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