Saturday 22 May 2010

Vauxhall Cross island development consultation

Just a reminder that the public exhibition on the Kylun proposals for Vauxhall Cross Island at Vauxhall City Farm finishes today (Saturday 22 May 2010). It is open from 10am-3pm.

I went down yesterday evening. There's a lovely model of Vauxhall Cross which shows all the major developments taking place. The boards have a lot more information than the leaflet so it's worth going down there and reading the details such as where the shadows will fall, at what time of year and for how long.

I know that many people living nearer the site are not convinced of its merits but personally I found much to like about the development:
  • the elegant designs
  • the fact that residents won't be eligible for parking permits
  • the mixed use
  • the 14th storey public "Sky Bar" at the top of the hotel
  • potentially, a digital cinema
To my untutored eye it all seemed rather well thought through. Of course, the problem of increased pressure on an already creaking public transport infrastructure is not addressed, but one can hope that the additional pressure might help to bring about improvements such as the proposed Northern Line extension currently under consultation.

Update: I knew SE11 would cover this comprehensively so I needn't bother. Here you go.

* By-the-by, the model on display shows by comparison just how huge and ghastly the Bondway Octave Tower development (right) would look. Although it failed to get planning permission, the developers are appealing to the planning inspectorate on what appears from the notices to be a technicality which is worrying.

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